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International Anti-Corruption Day

Taking a stand against corruption globally

International Anti-Corruption Day

International Anti-Corruption Day is held on 9 December each year.

Fighting corruption is an international concern. It often follows conflict or fuels conflict and inhibits peace processes.

Corruption also:

  • undermines democracy and the rule of law
  • leads to human rights crimes
  • worsens poverty
  • facilitates organised crime
  • finances armed conflict and terrorism.

We support this annual campaign to take a positive and proactive stance against corruption globally. It's a time to reflect and focus on how corruption hinders efforts to achieve the internationally agreed Millennium Development Goals. Preventing corruption, promoting transparency and strengthening institutions are crucial to meet those goals.

International Anti-Corruption Day is led by the United Nations (UN) Office on Drugs and Crime and the UN Development Programme.

Learn more about our work to combat fraud and corruption.

What you can do

Find out about:

International Anti-Corruption Day

United Nations Development Programme