Front page
Main navigation
- Home
- Services
About us
- About us
- Our agency
- Our global work
- Our history
- Annual report
- Corporate plan
- Disclosure log & routinely requested information
- Freedom of information
- Information Publication Scheme
- Our Information Publication Scheme plan
- Operational priorities
- Privacy Impact Assessment Register
- Public Interest Disclosure Scheme
- Reporting obligations
- Service of subpoenas
- Publications
- Contact us
- Antisemitism
- Airports and aviation crime
- Terrorism
- Drug crime
- Serious and organised crime
- Money laundering and financial crime
- Fraud and corruption
- Illegal firearms and weapons
- Human trafficking and people smuggling
- Espionage and foreign interference
- Cybercrime
- Crimes against children
- Crimes in the Australian Captial Territory
- Breaches of international law
- Crimes against the Commonwealth of Australia
- Vacancies
- Pathways
- Eligibility
- Salaries & benefits
- Diversity & inclusion
- AFP Reserve
- Analyst or officer – Intelligence Operations
- Canine handler
- Close personal protection officer
- Community liaison officer
- Cybercrime investigator
- Examiner or investigator - Forensics
- Forensic accountant
- Investigative assistant
- Investigator – Counter Terrorism
- Police officer – national policing
- Police officer — ACT Policing
- Protective service officer
- Tactical response operator
- Team Member – Aviation Operations
- Team member – Criminal Records
- Work experience
- Our people
- News Centre
- Police Checks