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Stop the Stigma of child sexual exploitation

Talking openly about child sexual exploitation

Stop the Stigma of child sexual exploitation

A national campaign to encourage open conversations and education to stop the stigma associated with child sexual exploitation.

The Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) research shows child sexual abuse and online sexual exploitation are stigmatised topics and not well understood in our community.

We need open discussions to educate parents, carers and children on reporting and seeking support.

We know if we reduce the stigma, survivors are more likely to come forward and seek support, and perpetrators will find it harder to hide.

Stop the Stigma is a unique collaboration between Australian law enforcement, non-government organisations and industry. The partnership involves the AFP, ACCCE, former Australian of the Year Grace Tame, The Daniel Morcombe Foundation, The Carly Ryan Foundation, Bravehearts, YourTown (Kids Helpline) and Act for Kids.

Learn more about our work to combat crimes against children.

What you can do

Get help and support

Help trace on object

Know what and how to report