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05 April 2023, 4:35pm
Media Release

AFP boosts Royal Solomon Islands Police Force’s forensic capability

Editor’s note: Images available via Hightail.

The AFP is continuing to boost the forensic investigative capability of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) as the country prepares to host several major events including the 2023 Pacific Games.

Recognising the key role of the RSIPF in combating regional transnational crime, the AFP has provided specialist equipment to support and enhance the investigative capabilities of the RSIPF Forensic Unit.

The capability - provided through the RSIPF & AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP) and the Pacific Police Development Program (PPDP) - included new digital forensic tools, drug laboratory equipment and fingerprint kits.

The RSIPF is preparing for the 2023 Pacific Games and National General Election. However, the new capability provided could be used to investigate a range of crime types.

RAPPP Advisors have been working with RSIPF Forensic members over the past two years to establish digital forensic and drug testing capabilities within the Forensic Unit.

Advisors have been sharing skills with RSIPF counterparts in digital forensic examinations, drug testing and traditional forensic disciplines, including crime scene investigation and fingerprint comparison.     

AFP Commander Solomon Islands Heath Davies said the ongoing support provided through RAPPP would ensure the RSIPF Forensic Unit was prepared to combat transnational crime alongside Pacific partners.

“The equipment will ensure the RSIPF continues to deliver high-quality forensic support to police operations across the country and throughout the Pacific,” Commander Davies said.

“It is especially timely with major events being hosted in the region throughout the year and it also ensures the RSIPF is well equipped and ready to respond to any challenges that may arise.”

Officer in Charge of Forensics Detective Acting Inspector Davies Kusapa thanked the AFP for the new sets of forensic equipment.

“Your support speaks for itself, and our collaboration is a big part of positively moving and growing RSIPF forensics forward through this period.  Thank you so much for the continuing friendship and partnership,” Detective Acting Inspector Kusapa said.   

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