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Our latest media releases, podcasts and stories
30 November 2021, 7:08am
Media Release

AFP content for newsrooms from December 1

The AFP will launch an AFP Advent Calendar for media from Wednesday, December 1 until Christmas Eve.

Every day, the AFP's website will publish at least one media release that will outline details about operations for the first time, reveal behind-the-scenes capability and explain how we have kept Australians safe in 2021.

The first media release on December 1 will include a comprehensive safety guide for parents and carers who are buying technology for their children this festive season. This must-have guide provides practical tips on how to keep kids safe online.

The countdown to a safe Christmas will culminate on Christmas Eve with a holiday message from AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw and our members posted in 33 countries.

Some of the media releases contain a hightail link for grabs for radio and images for print.

For media interviews, please email

See the AFP Media Advent calendar.

Media enquiries

AFP Media: (02) 5126 9297