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11 May 2023, 2:49pm
Media Release

AFP donates automated external defibrillators to Vanuatu Police Force

Editor’s note: Images available via Hightail.

The AFP has donated four automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to the Vanuatu Police Force to ensure officers are equipped with vital tools for a medical emergency.

The AFP, through the Vanuatu Australia Policing and Justice Program (VAPJP), purchased the AEDs from ProMedical Vanuatu, which also offers CPR and defibrillation training.

Three of the machines will be available in Vanuatu’s capital, Port Vila and one has been provided to the VPF Northern Command on the island Santo.

An AED is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest by analysing the heart’s rhythm and if necessary, delivering an electrical shock to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.

AFP Detective Superintendent Melissa Northam said the machines and training provided would help to protect the health and wellbeing of the police force and local communities.

“These devices save lives so they are very important to have,” Detective Superintendent Northam said.

“It is also important for first responders to know what to do in a situation that requires immediate support, which is why we will ensure the appropriate training continues to be provided.”

ProMedical Vanuatu briefed both AFP and VPF officers on the proper use of the machines and demonstrated the necessary resuscitation skills.

VPF Commissioner Robson Iavro said it was important for the police to have AEDs on hand.

“We are now more equipped to support our officers, which in turn ensures our officers are able to support the members of the public that we take care of on a daily basis,” Commissioner Iavro said.

“Thank you to the AFP for this great addition to our operations.”

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AFP Media: (02) 5126 9297

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