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01 March 2022, 2:15pm
Media Release

AFP signs MoU with Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers

The AFP and the US Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on training and innovation to help make the Australian community safer.

AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw and FLETC Director Thomas J. Walters signed the MOU in the US last week.

The MOU highlights the mutual benefit of the AFP and FLETC by knowledge-based sharing, exchanging best practices, consortiums, symposiums, joint projects, research and development, and staff exchanges to advance law enforcement and leadership training.

FLETC is the largest provider of law enforcement training in the US. It also extends its expertise to international law enforcement.

Commissioner Kershaw said the MOU demonstrated the value placed on our relationship with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers.

“It formalises our agencies' commitment to continue to work collaboratively and exchange ideas on innovation and technologies, ultimately making our communities and the people we serve even safer," Commissioner Kershaw said.

FLETC Director Walters said FLETC’s relationship with Australia had been long and fruitful.

“Today, we formalise our relationship with the AFP and commit to ensuring that our agencies benefit from our institutional knowledge and mutual achievements, Direct Walters said

“This MOU will positively impact future innovation and growth affecting safety and security.’’.

FLETC offers fully reimbursable training programs to law enforcement partners worldwide by working through respective US Embassies to coordinate participation.

Australia has sent officers to FLETC training to include in-person and online training courses..

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