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01 May 2023, 10:05am
Media Release

More than 80kg of methamphetamine hidden in charcoal sticks seized

Editor’s note: Images available via Hightail.

An AFP-led investigation has seized about 81kg of methamphetamine contained in charcoal sticks sent from Malaysia to Sydney.

The seizure has prevented the high-harm drug from reaching Australian communities.

The AFP - a member of the Five Eyes Law Enforcement Group that includes agencies from the US, Canada, UK and New Zealand - is regularly provided intelligence from partners about illicit drug ventures.

The AFP is also based in South East Asian countries and works closely with law enforcement offshore to help prevent illicit drugs being trafficked to Australia.

The AFP and Australian Border Force (ABF) examined the shipment, which arrived in NSW by cargo ship in April 2023.

Authorities found a number of boxes were packed differently to others in the consignment. Some sticks were also a different shape and were a white wax-like substance.

Tests returned a positive result for methamphetamine.

Investigations into the organised crime network responsible for the import are ongoing.

AFP Detective Superintendent Craig Bellis said the AFP’s international network made it uniquely placed to fight transnational drug trafficking networks.

“The AFP works closely with international partners, including the Five Eyes Law Enforcement Group and other countries in our region, such as Malaysia, to identify and disrupt those seeking to harm Australians and profit at the expense of our communities,” Detective Superintendent Bellis said.

“Transnational serious organised crime is a national security threat and the illicit drugs they traffic to Australia also make our communities less safe.

“Territorial drug disputes spill into our suburbs. Organised crime gangs shoot at each other in our suburbs, putting innocent people at risk.

“The AFP is working tirelessly to help keep drugs out of Australia and stop criminals from profiting at the expense of the Australian community.”

Anyone with information about this methamphetamine importation is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Note to media:

Media are encouraged to include help-seeking information in stories about illicit drugs to minimise any negative impact on people in the community. The following services provide people with access to support and information.

  • For free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drug treatment services call the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015.
  • Access free 24/7 drug and alcohol counselling online at
  • For information about drug and alcohol addiction treatment or support, go to

Media enquiries:
AFP Media: (02) 5126 9297

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