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01 June 2023, 11:20am
Media Release

Second person charged over heroin imported in table runners

Editor’s note: Vision, images and audio grabs available via Hightail.

A Laotian national is expected to face Downing Centre Court today (1 June, 2023) over the importation of almost 3kg of heroin from Thailand hidden in silk table runners.

The Sydney woman, 35, who has been charged with attempting to possess the illicit narcotics, is the second person arrested by the AFP as part of Operation Agamar.

The investigation was launched in February 2023 after Australian Border Force (ABF) officers at the Sydney Gateway Facility examined a mail package sent from Thailand.

When officers opened the package labelled as ‘cloth’, they allegedly found 3kg of heroin sewn into silk table runners.

The matter was referred to the AFP and the illicit drugs were removed before the package was delivered to a Sydney residence in March (2023).

AFP investigators arrested a Sydney man, 31, when he arrived at the property and allegedly collected the package. When they searched the man’s home they seized luxury items valued at more than $10,000, which included three designer handbags. 

As a result of further inquiries, AFP arrested the woman yesterday (31 May, 2023). She was charged with attempting to possess a commercial quantity of heroin, contrary to section 307.5(1) of the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth). The maximum penalty for this offence is life imprisonment.

AFP spokesperson Sergeant Alexander Drummond said the arrest demonstrated the AFP’s tenacity in tracking down anyone believed to be involved in bringing harmful illicit drugs into Australia.

“These drugs burden the Australian economy and taxpayers, and disrupt our way of life,” Sergeant Drummond said.

 “The AFP is working closely with ABF and international law enforcement partners to disrupt all levels of the illicit drug trade.”

Note to media:

Media are encouraged to include help-seeking information in stories about illicit drugs to minimise any negative impact on people in the community. The following services provide people with access to support and information.

  • For free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drug treatment services call the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015.
  • Access free 24/7 drug and alcohol counselling online at
  • For information about drug and alcohol addiction treatment or support, go to

Media enquiries:

AFP Media: (02) 5126 9297

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