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15 November 2021, 7:39am
Media Release

WA traveller allegedly caught walking in ‘weed’

A West Australian traveller who was allegedly caught at Perth Airport with cannabis taped to his feet has been charged by the Australian Federal Police.

AFP officers attended a departure screening area last week (5 November 2021) after Airport security staff allegedly noticed an unusual lump in the bottom of a 61-year-old man’s socks.

Police spoke to the man and he allegedly showed them a small package containing cannabis taped to the sole of each foot, totalling approximately five grams.

The 61-year-old WA man has been charged with one count of possessing a prohibited drug, contrary to section 6(2) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 (WA).

The matter will be heard in the Perth Magistrate’s Court on 8 December 2021.

AFP Acting Inspector Geoff Horrocks said the AFP works closely with Perth Airport staff to protect the safety of the travelling public and that includes ensuring no one transports illicit items on aircraft.

A Perth Airport spokesperson said: “our ever-vigilant security partners at ISS do an amazing job keeping our travellers safe and secure and are always on the lookout for anything unusual”.

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