AFP logo at EBB Canberra

Tenders and contracts

Publishing tender and contract information to help industry respond to our needs

Find a tender opportunity

We publish our open tender opportunities on AusTender.

We must also publish our Annual Procurement Plan on AusTender. It provides information on significant procurements we plan to undertake in the next financial year. The planned procurements are based on the best information available at the time of publication and are subject to revision, withdrawal or cancellation.

Search for AFP contracts

Visit AusTender to find details of all contracts worth A$10,000 or above that we have entered into.


Potential or current suppliers to the AFP have the right to be treated fairly throughout the procurement process and to have complaints investigated.

If you have a complaint about a procurement process, fill out our Procurement-related complaints form

If you have a contractual dispute, contact the AFP Contract Manager outlined in the terms of the executed contract you have with the AFP.