AFP logo at EBB Canberra

Donating objects to the AFP Museum

Telling our history through donated historical objects, from clothing and car parts to photographs


The AFP Museum collects, exhibits, preserves and promotes the organisation's history and achievements of its members through objects, images and stories.

Enriched by the donation of more than 20,000 historic items, the Museum tells the stories of those who serve, those who have served before us, and those who we serve.

Our Museum team is always interested in new objects to help add to our story or highlight a specific AFP operation or anniversary.

We are currently collecting items relating to:

  • Protection – including the Australian Protection Service (1984 to 2004) and the Peace Officer Guard (1925 to 1960).
  • Aviation - objects specific to airport security and the AFP’s changing role.
  • Peacekeeping missions - including equipment and other objects related to significant events, objects touching on life, a mission or a particular region.
  • Images and objects related to operations – evidence and investigative tools; particularly areas of contemporary focus, such as terrorism and cybercrime.
  • Service in Afghanistan
  • Key images – high-resolution photographs of key moments post-2000.

Due to the already large number of items in the collection, and limitations on space and curatorial capacity, all donations are subject to assessment and review by the Museum team to ensure they represent a connection with the history of the AFP.

If you would like to donate an interesting object with a story relating to the work of the AFP and its predecessors, contact us at the email below and provide as much detail as possible.

Get in touch

AFP Museum